Sermons (Page 56)

Sermons (Page 56)

The Real “Lord’s Prayer”

Upper Room Discourse Series                       12/7/2014 John 17:1-19 The Real Lord’s Prayer: John 17   John 17:1–5 Jesus Prays for Himself Jesus Prays That God/Father Would Restore to Him His Heavenly Glory v1 Jesus Prays That Through Him, Human Beings Can/Will Enjoy Heavenly Glory v2-3 Jesus Prays That God/Father Would Restore to Him His Heavenly Glory…

Handling Hate

Upper Room Discourse Series                                                                  11/9/2014 John 15:18-16:6 Handling Hate: How We Should Think about and Respond to Hatred Directed at Us/Our Faith in Christ Take This To Heart Fellowship with Christ is Offensive to the World   1: To the extent that believers identify with Christ in the world we will face…

Abide in Christ

Tanglewood Bible Fellowship                                                   10/12/2014     John 15:1-6 The Key to TBS: Abide in Christ   Believers Are to Abide in Christ So We Can Bear Much Spiritual Fruit 15:1-5a   Believers Are to Abide in Christ So We Can Avoid Spiritual Mediocrity/Divine Discipline 15:5b-6 Take This To Heart   God is MORE…