What is Church Discipline? – 1 Corinthians 5

What is Church Discipline? – 1 Corinthians 5

Church Discipline has gone the way of the dodo bird. No one seems to practice it anymore let alone know what it the world it is. Pastor David shows us the basics of church discipline that Paul lays out in 1 Corinthians 5.

  1. [Definition] Church discipline is the process of correcting sin in the life of the church and its members.
  2. [Why?] We practice church discipline under the authority of Jesus to protect the church (5:3-4, 6-8).
  3. [How?] We should approach church discipline with mourning instead of pride (5:2).
  4. [Who?] We discipline those inside the church, not outside (5:9-12).
  5. [When?] Church discipline must occur when there is serious, unrepentant, public sin (5:1, 11).
  6. [Goal?] We practice church discipline hoping for repentance (5:5).